Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ketch-up, part 1

Anyone seen Pulp Fiction lately?

So... back to where I left off.

The Egg Retrieval
Date- Sunday, November 29, 6:15 PM
In a word, EXCITING! Mom came with us for some moral support, which I thought was a very sweet gesture. We arrived at the Rockville office, ready for some action! The nurse asks me how I am, and I say "Super stoked to be here." And I mean it. Of course, I'm nervous, and my BP is a little on the highish side, but I am anticipating the best things. Steve the anesthesiologist hooked me up with a sweet IV, and we waited for "The Right Time" aka, 6:15 PM. Kirk waited with me, for the most part. Draw your own conclusions, people. I cannot spell out everything for you! So... once it was time and I had "emptied my bladder" (I love that term!), Steve & I walked into the operating room. I met the on-duty embryologist, recited my ssn, and hopped up onto the table. As I was saddling up, I asked what they were listening to, and it was the soundtrack from Pretty Woman! LOL! I love that movie, and I think I started to talk about it to one of the nurses in the room, and that's really all I remember. I woke up in the recovery area, freezing cold, and the doctor that performed the retrieval said that I had 22 folicles retrieved! And then, to be funny, I said (to the doctor), "What would that be called? Twenty-two-a-tuplets?!" I think I am SO funny. He is not amused. Okay. Nevermind then. We gather our things, get dressed, and trek out to the car. By this point, I'm feeling a little bit nauseous. Kirk starts driving home, and, to keep this clean, had to take 2 pitstops because it was the side of the road or the car. Gross. But, it tasted like nothing. No flavor. Perks to everything, I tell you. Got home, went to bed. Took off work the next day and slept on the couch. It was wonderful.

Days following Retrieval
Nurse Stephanie calls to tell me that I had 18 eggs retrieved, (not every follicle contains an egg). Of the 18, 11 had fertilized, and were growing. I get a few more calls like this, and this is when I start to pray for all of the embryos that are growing in the Lab. I realize that there are families waiting for calls every day, just like us, and I wanted to lift them all up to God. This whole process is so scientific, but, without Him, it's meaningless.

So, Nurse Stephanie calls on Wednesday to tell me that my transfer is Friday @ 11:30, be there at 11:00. No prob, I tell the boss I'm taking another sick day, get Kirk to take the day off, and prepare for the big event! Friday morning, we are getting ready to leave the house, and Nurse Stephanie calls to say that my transfer was pushed to Saturday, because Dr. Osheroff wanted another day to watch the embryos. Not a problem, we hadn't left yet. Kirk and I decide to go to Hanover, PA, and get started on our Christmas Shopping! We had lunch out and really enjoyed this free day!

The Embryo Transfer
Date- Saturday, December 5, 11:45 AM
Again, we travel to Rockville, but, alas, I find out that my very own Dr. Osheroff is doing the transfer! I do not have to tell anyone out there how important relationships are with our doctors. I truly believe that he has our very best interest at heart, and that is very comforting to someone in my situation. He greets us, me with a hug, and Kirk with a manly hand shake, and tells us about the progress of our embryos. We have 2 that are in condition that he calls "pristine". This thrills me. He strongly advises that we put back one, and freeze the other. We trust him, and agree. At this point, I am crying because it's just an overwhelming thing, and I'm about to pee myself because they told me to drink 20-30 oz of water before the procedure! So, the sonographer checks my bladder, finds it to be plenty full, (shocking!) and tells me I can tinkle for a 15 count. I am so nervous about not being able to stop that I slow off after 10, but still. That. Was. Relief. Back to the table. Dr. Osheroff inserts speculum, then cathetar, while sonogram lady pushes on my belly with the little machine thingy. Dr. O shows me on the screen where my uterus is, and calls for The Embryo. As he pushes it through the cathetar, he makes a funny "blip" sound signaling that it's in! I see a teeny tiny flash, but it was more the "blip" that excited me! The embryologists check the cath to make sure the embryo is not stuck in it, and confirm that it is in position. I'm officially PUPO. Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise. I stay reclined for another 10 minutes, while the discharge nurse comes in to review my instructions- bedrest for 24 hours, (not a prob, I'm doing it for 48!), no caffeine, no alcohol, no lifting anything over 25 lbs, you know, act like your pregnant until your pregnancy test. Uh, okay, cause I know what that means! But it's cool because I got a bunch of papers to tell me what I can and can not do. I'm good.

We leave, and as we are driving home, (in a blizzard, mind you!), I am constantly focused on the pic they gave me of our transferred embryo. I think it looks like a snowflake, and can not believe that this could be the beginning of a baby. Once we arrive home, I go straight to bed! Kirk makes us some lunch, and then joins me for a nice long nap. Or, maybe he didn't nap at all. I have no idea. I napped. And it was snowing. An excellent combination. That's pretty much what I did for the rest of Saturday and all day Sunday, until dinner time. Kirk, (I heart him!), made a delicious dinner- chicken alfredo! So, I moseyed down to the dining room to enjoy a dinner with my darling husband. Then I moved to the recliner, where we watched more TV, and finally, went to bed after Desperate Housewives. (I know.)

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