I watch a lot of TV. Mostly because my brain doesn't have to think about anything important, I can literally space out and be entertained by low level things. One of my newest guilty pleasures is Police Women of Broward County, it comes on TLC Thursday nights at 9. Let me just tell you- I love this show big time. It makes me laugh, it makes me, well, laugh some more. The show follows 4 female cops in Broward County, Florida, as they execute traffic stops, serving warrents, interviewing suspects, you name it. My absolute favorite officer is Deputy Shelunda Cooper. She is so straight forward and direct, you never have to question where you stand with her. While conducting a search on another female suspect, as the suspect is screaming at her to get out of her face, Deputy Cooper leans in real close and says, "Do me a favor... shut your mouth." She doesn't get worked up, just matter of fact. I. Love. This. I wish I was more like her. In fact, I am going to work on being more like her because I heart her so. She demands respect and settles for nothing less than 100% compliance. Maybe I'll be a little bit more easy going, but only because I don't have the badge (or the brute stregnth) to force people into submission like she does. But I will say, it's important to say how you feel, and let others know what you expect of them.
So... back to reality for a hot sec. IUI #3 resulted in another BFN. Boo hoo. I was hoping for a BFP, well with it being the third time and all. I've come to terms with it, and I'm all good now. Kirk & I had a follow up visit with Dr. O this afternoon to discuss our options. After reviewing the past 3 IUI's, Dr. O is recommending that, if the next 1-3 treatments do not result in a pregnancy, then he would like to move into In Vetro Fertilization, or IVF. He explains it as IUI, just kicked up a couple of notches. Like Emeril, BAM! Not really.
Here's the quick version of the sitch: You take a bunch of meds to make your body produce lots and lots of follicles, then the doctors go in and take them all out, (egg retrieval), and meet them up with sperm in a lab. Egg + Sperm = Embryo. They watch them for a couple of days, and the one or two that are looking the best are put back into my uterus to burrow in and grow into a baby. Here's the best part... the success rates, while slightly less than 20% for an IUI with Superovulation, are a whopping 59%! Almost 3 fold! The downside? It's a lot more invasive, expensive, and scientific. It's not a guarantee, but the odds are more in our favor.
So after Dr. O finishes explaining all of this information to Kirk & I, I am spinning. I can barely form words to ask all of my questions, and thank God that Kirk was there to remember all of Dr. O's answers. I mean, it's really something. We're not sure exactly what to do, so in the meantime, we are starting round #4 IUI. It will take some time to get insurance to approve IVF, and we don't want to sit around and wait, so, what the heck. Why not. It's not as if IUI is ruled out as being successful after 3 failed attempts. I'm trying to stay positive. No Negative Nancy or Debbie Downer's here. No sir.
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