Thursday, November 12, 2009

Thankful Thursdays- part 2

This week has been tough. Long. Busy. Stressful. But, in the midst of it, there are always silver linings:

1. It's Thursday- the best night of the week for good TV- Survivor, The Office, Project Runway... it's all great.
2. I was sick earlier in the week and am now feeling 98% better! (Kirk is now sick, but hey, he'll be thankful next week that he's feeling 98% better!)
3. The weather has cooled down, and I just know that one day soon we'll start our first fireplace fire & relax and enjoy the warmth.
4. It's almost time to start decorating for Christmas! My co-workers are already sick of me singing Christmas Carols all afternoon long! Just trying to pass the time, people. It could be worse. Much worse. (Last week, I attempted to "rap" instead of sing- Me + Flow Rider = DISASTA!)
5. Grilled Cheese sandwiches always remind me of my childhood. Since I work in the town in which my parents still live, I often call my Mom to see if I can come over for lunch- she makes delicious lunches- occasionally Grilled Cheese sandwiches. I go for the company, the food is an added bonus.

Your turn!

1 comment:

  1. grilled cheese is always best with Campbells tomato soup.

    I always remember my mom making this...ok this might sound kinda gross...

    When I was a kid i loved blueberry yogurt mixed with any flavor jello. Mixed it up real good until it was gloopy. Dont know why I did that. But really enjoyed it.
